AI Index Report 2019 – Chapter 6 Autonomous Systems

Academia  |  July 7, 2020

Fostering a digital ecosystem for AIInvesting in AI research and developmentRobustness, security and safetyShaping an enabling policy environment for AIDigital economyIndustry & entrepreneurshipInvestmentPublic governanceScience & technologyTransport

AI is a key component of Autonomous Systems. This chapter presents data on Autonomous Systems divided in two sections: Autonomous Vehicles (AV’s) and Autonomous Weapons (AW’s). The AV section shows the countries and cities testing AV’s. This is followed by US state policy on AV from the National Conference on State Legislation (NCSL). The section on AW presents the known types of autonomous weapon deployments and by which country based on expert survey data collected by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

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