photo of Luis Aranda

Luis Aranda

Policy Analyst - OECD

Working groupExpert Group on AI Incidents
Stakeholder TypeIntergovernmental
OECD Secretariat
ONE AI Member
AI Wonk contributor

Luis Aranda is an Artificial Intelligence policy analyst at the OECD, which he joined in 2017. Before joining the OECD, he worked as a Strategist and Business Program Manager at Microsoft, where he conducted executive-level strategy, operations, and end-to-end accelerated-growth projects. Luis has also worked as an engineer for Grupo Bimbo and the United Nations. His work and research interests lie at the intersection between technology, social inclusion and policy. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in engineering, a Master’s in applied math and a PhD in economics.

Luis Aranda's publications

Luis Aranda's videos

OECD.AI live data about AI jobs and skills and more

OECD.AI live data about AI jobs and skills and more

February 12, 2021clock4 mins

Luis Aranda's documents

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