photo of OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

- International Governmental Organisation

Stakeholder TypeIntergovernmental
AI Wonk contributor

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on almost 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow.

Together with governments, policy makers and citizens, we work on establishing evidence-based international standards and finding solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and creating jobs to fostering strong education and fighting international tax evasion, we provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and international standard-setting.

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's publications

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's videos

The United States is establishing frameworks that advance trustworthy AI for all

The United States is establishing frameworks that advance trustworthy AI for all

December 21, 2023

The United States has sought to address AI technologies, including generative AI, holistically by focusing on the potential of AI to boost economic prosperity, help overcome major societal challenges, and close the digital divide.

Expert Group on AI Futures: Future AI scenarios exercise

Expert Group on AI Futures: Future AI scenarios exercise

November 16, 2023

The OECD Expert Group on AI Futures engages in an interactive scenario explorations exercise looking into potential future benefits and risks of AI, and how policymakers can begin to address and shape them in the present.

Emerging technology governance: Towards an anticipatory framework

Emerging technology governance: Towards an anticipatory framework

August 28, 2023clock01:44:00

It is important to address the risks and challenges of emerging technologies. The OECD is developing an anticipatory policy framework to embed values into technologies and engage stakeholders early. By using upstream design principles and tools, it strives to balance technology advancement with just transitions and societal values.

When Brazil discusses AI and work, diversity has a seat at the table

When Brazil discusses AI and work, diversity has a seat at the table

July 17, 2023

AI has become ubiquitous and pervasive, bringing opportunities for economic productivity and unprecedented challenges for societies, especially those related to the workforce and algorithmic biases. To cope with the fast deployment of this technology, Brazil has made strides to improve its digital ecosystem to incentivise AI innovation, balancing with regulatory measures.

Stuart Russell talks about AI and how to regulate it

Stuart Russell talks about AI and how to regulate it

May 8, 2023

Stuart Russell, Professor at University of California, Berkeley and Director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, presents his thoughts on what AI and generative AI are, what AI can become and how policy makers and other AI actors can and should try to manage the risks related to AI use.

Laurent Daudet at OECD.AI Expert Forum

Laurent Daudet at OECD.AI Expert Forum

May 8, 2023

Laurent Daudet, Co-CEO and co-founder of LightOn, shares his concerns about the adverse socioeconomic effects that AI could have on societies. His main concern is only the richest countries and the largest tech companies will have the capacity to use and produce the most advanced AI systems, concentrating the economic benefits of AI onto a small privileged group.

Keith Strier of Nvidia on generative AI at OECD.AI Expert Forum

Keith Strier of Nvidia on generative AI at OECD.AI Expert Forum

May 8, 2023clock7:19

Keith Strier of NVIDIA talks about the tremendous benefits that AI brings and the dangers of pausing development, as per the Future of Life Institute’s open letter and over-regulation. He argues for the need to regulate AI, just as we do other things in society, from breakfast cereals to transportation.

Hiroaki Kitano: towards resilient and responsible AI, keynote presentation at OECD.AI Expert Forum

Hiroaki Kitano: towards resilient and responsible AI, keynote presentation at OECD.AI Expert Forum

May 8, 2023clock13:38

In this keynote presentation, Hiroaki Kitano shares his thoughts on how policy makers and AI actors can ensure that AI is resilient and responsible. This presentation is part of the OECD.AI Expert Group’s Forum on Foresight and Generative AI, held on 19 April 2023 at the OECD.

Rebecca Finlay presents at OECD.AI Expert Forum

Rebecca Finlay presents at OECD.AI Expert Forum

May 8, 2023clock6:18

Rebecca Finlay, CEO of Partnership on AI, shares her optimistic view on the future of AI. She points out all of the great transformative things that AI is already doing in areas like healthcare to support a beneficial future for people in society. She also underlines the need for actors from all sectors to work together in fora like the OECD.AI Network of Experts to make AI safe and work for everyone.

OECD work on generative Artificial Intelligence at OECD.AI Expert Forum

OECD work on generative Artificial Intelligence at OECD.AI Expert Forum

May 8, 2023clock4:02

The OECD Secretariat announced the new report “AI language models: Technological, socio-economic and policy considerations”, which puts forward policy considerations associated with AI language models through the lens of the OECD AI Principles. It also includes a focus on the risks and ethical questions posed by LMs.

AI for All: How India is carving its own path in the global AI race

AI for All: How India is carving its own path in the global AI race

January 30, 2023clock3:55

India began its AI journey with social empowerment and inclusion at the core. AI can solve numerous age-old problems that have plagued the country for decades. India consciously focused on inclusion and empowerment with a programme called “AI for All”.

Managing AI risk: perspectives from around the world (at the 2022 Paris Peace Forum)

Managing AI risk: perspectives from around the world (at the 2022 Paris Peace Forum)

November 25, 2022clock1:07:25

OECD.AI co-organised this panel with the Paris Peace Forum. Many potential risks associated with artificial intelligence have been identified and as capabilities mature, risks will grow in scale and scope.

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's documents


These guidelines apply to all types of OECD documents, including O.N.E documents, room documents, working papers, publications (printed and on-line) and on-line documents and data as well as PowerPoint presentations. March 18, 2025


Towards a Hiroshima Artificial Intelligence Process Code of Conduct Reporting Framework: Findings from the Pilot

One of the priorities of the G7 Italian Presidency in 2024 is to facilitate the adoption and implementation of the Hiroshima AI Process International Code of Conduct for Organisations Developing Advanced AI Systems, welcomed as an outcome of the G7 Hiroshima AI Process. At the request of the G7 membership and in line with the commitments of the Trento Declaration (March 15, 2024), the G7 Digital and Tech Working Group under the Italian Presidency called on the OECD to identify and develop appropriate mechanisms to monitor the voluntary implementation of the Code of Conduct by organisations choosing to implement it. G7 Leaders in their Apulia Communiqué reaffirmed their commitment to developing a reporting framework in cooperation with the OECD. To initiate this process, the OECD supported the development of a draft reporting framework, with input from experts from a broad array of organisations including businesses, academia, civil society and research institutes across G7 countries. To refine and assess the effectiveness of the draft reporting framework, the OECD conducted a pilot, in which a diverse range of organisations provided detailed feedback. The findings of the pilot were discussed at the G7 Technology and Digital Ministerial Meeting on 15 October 2024 in Cernobbio: This report, developed by the OECD Secretariat, summarises key feedback and highlights strengths and areas for improvement in the context of developing the operational “1.0” version of the reporting framework. It was prepared for publication by the government of Italy, as the G7 Presidency in 2024. The positions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD Member countries, of G7 members, or of the Italian G7 Presidency. December 19, 2024

GPAI Belgrade Ministerial Declaration

THE MINISTERS AND REPRESENTATIVES of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), met in Belgrade, Serbia on 3-4 December 2024, for the GPAI Summit, under the leadership of Serbia and the Slovak Republic as GPAI Co-Chairs. This is the official declaration from the Summit.December 4, 2024


Future of GPAI and the GPAI Secretariat: Integrated Partnership on AI with the OECD, under the GPAI Brand

It is proposed that a new integrated partnership on AI be created between all current OECD and GPAI members, under the GPAI brand. It would leverage the synergies and complementarities between GPAI and the OECD’s work programme on AI, facilitate inclusive participation at both the governance and expert levels, and promote more efficient processes, reducing costs and duplication. The integrated partnership would bring together GPAI and OECD countries on an equal footing (collectively, “the integrated partnership membership”) and would allow more countries to join subject to agreement by consensus of the full integrated partnership membership. The integrated partnership would consist of a Council, a Plenary, a Steering Group and an Expert Community. A Secretariat at the OECD (“the Secretariat”) would be dedicated to supporting the partnership, including all its governing bodies and chairs. The integrated partnership would benefit from established OECD practices for planning and convening meetings, including Ministerial meetings, management of the expert community, communications and all other operations, and would operate under the OECD’s rules of procedure, including for overall budgeting and execution of the programme of work. The integrated partnership may decide by consensus on its specific working methods, based on the equal footing of all of its members irrespective of their OECD membership status. GPAI(2024)5/REV2December 3, 2024

Terms of reference (ToR) for participants in the OECD Network of Experts on Artificial Intelligence (ONE AI)

This Terms of Reference (ToR) document sets out the roles and expectations for participants in the OECD Network of Experts on Artificial Intelligence (ONE AI) and describes the structure within which the Network operates. The OECD Council is the OECD’s official overarching decision-making body, composed of ambassadors from member countries and the European Commission. The Resolution of the Council of 1 April 1982 established the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy, which became the Committee on Digital Economy, which was then renamed Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP), and finally Digital Policy Committee (DPC) in 2024. July 17, 2024

OECD AI Principles update 2024: Communications toolkit

Communications toolkit for the updated OECD AI Principles May 2024.April 29, 2024

OECD Input to the United Nations High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence

The Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology (OSET), in its capacity as the Secretariat of the UN High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (UN AI Advisory Board) is seeking input, including from the OECD, on the Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity. This input will contribute to finalising the report, which will serve as a key basis for the UN Summit of the Future in September 2024.March 31, 2024


Expert Roundtable on Generative AI – 31 May 2023

Pursuant to the mandate given to the OECD by the G7, on 31 May 2023, the OECD.AI Policy Observatory and Strategic Foresight Unit held a virtual Expert Roundtable on Generative AI. The roundtable comprised the new OECD Expert Group on AI Futures, including its co-chairs, members of the secretariat, and membership candidates. The co-chairs are: • Francesca Rossi, IBM Fellow and AI Ethics Global Leader. • Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley and Director of the Centre for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence. • Michael Schönstein, Head of Strategic Foresight and Analysis, German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The discussion focused on three key questions: 1. Given ongoing discussions, how might governments consider rules for the controlled release of high-impact generative AI models and applications? To guide this, how can we better measure/assess the quality and accuracy of generative AI outputs? 2. How can we promote regulatory experimentation that benefits countries and companies? 3. How can we better measure/assess the capabilities of generative AI relative to humans? How do we measure/assess how these capabilities could impact societies and labour markets? August 16, 2023

Highlights of AI-WIPS Conference 2022

Highlights of AI-WIPS conference held in February 2022.December 15, 2022


Putting the OECD AI Principles into practice: progress and future perspectives – Event summary

Session summary of this high-level panel discussion from the OECD MCM 2021 More than two years after the adoption of the OECD AI Principles, this discussion will highlight how countries are implementing policies for trustworthy, human-centric AI. The session will focus on: - Lessons learned to date implementing AI policies to steer the transformation of our economies and societies for inclusive growth and addressing global challenges. - Risk-based approaches to AI governance and soft and hard law, including the proposed EU AI Act that is triggering discussions around the world. - How to ensure that our policies and legal frameworks for AI are interoperable globally. And the priorities for international cooperation on AI moving forward.June 17, 2022

OECD Framework for Classifying AI Systems: two page overview

The framework classifies AI systems along five dimensions: People & Planet, Economic Context, Data & Input, AI Model and Task & Output. Each one has its own properties and attributes that help assess policy considerations of particular AI systems. Stakeholders are involved in or affected by AI systems, while AI actors play active roles according to each dimension and throughout an AI system’s lifecycle. The framework allows users to zoom in on specific risks that are typical of AI, such as bias, explainability and robustness yet it is generic in nature. It facilitates nuanced and precise policy debate. The framework can also help develop policies and regulations since AI system characteristics influence the technical and procedural measures they need for implementation. The framework promotes a common understanding of AI by identifying the features of AI systems that matter most. Both in and out of government, the framework can inform registries or inventories by guiding work to describe systems and the basic characteristics of algorithms or automated decision systems. February 18, 2022

Brochure: OECD Work on Implementing Trustworthy AI

This flyer outlines the OECD's work on implementing trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI), in relationship to the OECD Artificial Intelligence Principles for Trustworthy AI. This work happens around two key initiatives that are underway at the OECD to implement the AI Principles. The first concentrates on building and sharing the evidence and data on AI policies, while the second focuses on developing tools and practical guidance to facilitate implementation.October 19, 2021

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the OECD or its member countries. The Organisation cannot be held responsible for possible violations of copyright resulting from the posting of any written material on this website/blog.