Marko Grobelnik's publications
Marko Grobelnik's videos

The OECD Al Systems Classification Framework
–The OECD’s Network of Experts on AI developed a user-friendly framework to classify AI systems. It provides a structure for assessing and classifying AI systems according to their impact on public policy following the OECD AI Principles. This session discusses the four dimensions of the draft OECD AI Systems Classification Framework, illustrates the usefulness of the framework using concrete AI systems as examples, and seeks feedback and comments to support finalisation of the framework. Aclassification framework to understand the labour market impact will also be introduced.

Data highlight: Using live data on Al jobs and skills
–As AI diffusion and adoption evolve apace, timely data on AI jobs and skills can help inform policy. The OECD will launch a set of new indicators and interactive visualisations showing demand for AI jobs and skills by country, AI skills penetration and migration, women in AI R&D, AI software development skills and more. This session will feature a short demonstration of new interactive datasets available on the OECD’s AI Policy Observatory (OECD.AI), followed by an exchange with OECD.AI data partners.

The OECD Framework for the Classification of AI Systems
–Different types of AI systems raise very different policy opportunities and challenges. As part of the AI-WIPS project, the OECD has developed a user-friendly framework to classify AI systems. The framework provides a structure for assessing and classifying AI systems according to their impact on public policy in areas covered by the OECD AI Principles.